We are delighted to honour a small number of papers submitted to both the ECAI-2024 main track and PAIS-2024 with Outstanding Paper Awards. The decision on which papers to highlight in this manner has been taken based on the reviews written during the paper selection process, nominations submitted by individual members of the programme committee, additional input solicited from outside experts, and the judgement of the PC chairs.
Each of the following three papers is the winner of an ECAI Outstanding Paper Award:
- Improving Calibration by Relating Focal Loss, Temperature Scaling, and PropernessViacheslav Komisarenko and Meelis Kull
- Scale-Adaptive Balancing of Exploration and Exploitation in Classical Planning Stephen Wissow and Masataro Asai
- FairCognizer: A Model for Accurate Predictions with Inherent Fairness Evaluation Adda-Akram Bendoukha, Nesrine Kaaniche, Aymen Boudguiga and Renaud Sirdey
And the following paper is the winner of the PAIS Outstanding Paper Award:
- More (Enough) Is Better: Towards Few-Shot Illegal Landfill Waste Segmentation Matias Molina, Carlos Ferreira, Bruno Veloso, Rita P. Ribeiro and João Gama