19-24 OCTOBER 2024
Santiago de Compostela

We are social:

Lunch with a EurAI Fellow

The "Lunch with a EurAI Fellow" are informal meetings where a small group of 4-5 PhD students attending ECAI have lunch with a EurAI Fellow while talking about their scientific careers. After an introduction by the EurAI Fellow about their own career and research interests, there will be ample time for informal interaction regarding the PhD students' interests, the research career from its most general point of view, and any other aspect that might be of interest to the group.

These events will take place during lunchtime on the ECAI main conference days, i.e., 21-24 October 2024.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for expression of interest:

  • Deadline for full applications:

  • Notification of acceptance/rejection:

  • Lunch with a EurAI Fellow:

All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).

Application details

Expressions of interest should be submitted by the above indicated deadline through the following form: https://forms.gle/8VcnESonc4oxdEbq9

After notification of receipt, the full application should be completed, by submitting the following information:

  • A short curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages) with background (name, university), education (degree sought, year/status in degree, previous degrees), employment, and relevant experience in research (publications, presentations, conferences attended, etc.).

  • A personal statement (max. 1 page) describing your research interests and why you are interested in participating in this activity.

  • A paragraph answering the following questions:

    • Have you submitted a paper to the main ECAI-2024 conference and/or an ECAI-2024 workshop?
    • Was that paper accepted?

In case you are already enrolled in the Doctoral Consortium, then just send the personal statement indicated at point 2 above.

Contact and updates

Any questions or issues about the Lunch with a EurAI Fellow should be directed to the chair, Pedro Larrañaga, at:lunch-eurai-fellow@ecai2024.eu.



Thanks to the sponsors who are already supporting ECAI2024. Together we are making Santiago de Compostela the world capital of AI during 19-24 October 2024.

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