This tutorial delves into the domain of computational argumentation within AI, emphasising its crucial role in managing incomplete or inconsistent information. In the context of AI, computational argumentation leverages logical foundations and rule-governed mechanisms to enable reasoning engines, while its dialectical nature and affinity with common-sense reasoning make it more comprehensible to users.

Designed as a half-day session, the tutorial will be highly interactive, blending traditional lectures with engaging elements like games and demonstrations. Attendees will gain practical insights into how computational argumentation enhances the capabilities of AI systems. By combining theoretical foundations with interactive activities, the tutorial seeks to equip participants with a nuanced understanding of computational argumentation’s practical implications and its potential to reshape the landscape of AI reasoning and decision-making. AI. Our tutorial is targeted at students, researchers, and practitioners with an interest in human-centered AI, with no prior knowledge of computational argumentation required. The only requirement is bringing a laptop (or share one between a pair).